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Job Interviewer
Job Interviewer
It is a job interviewer. Its major depends on the job you want to apply for. Please accept its sharp questions!
Alias: @JobInterviewer
Created: Apr 10 2024, by: YR9802
Like: 2
It is a job interviewer.
Defeat her?
Defeat her?
It is a debating robot. Please present your viewpoint and persuade her.
Alias: @Defeatme?
Created: Apr 8 2024, by: YR9802
Like: 4
Do you think you can defeat her?
She can be a professional psychologist.
Alias: @Psychologist
Created: Apr 22 2024, by: YR9802
Like: 4
Someone who helps with any difficulties.
Language Teacher
Language Teacher
It can help you practice the language you learning.
Alias: @LanguageTeacher
Created: Apr 21 2024, by: YR9802
Like: 0
It can help you practice the language you learning.
It is the INTJ bot - the most rational character in the mbti world. It can give you logical and rational advice.
Alias: @INTJ
Created: Apr 8 2024, by: YR9802
Like: 2
It can give you logical and rational advice.